Tuesday 21 June 2016

International study Loans

The International Student Loan Center provides international students and study abroad students with access to a range of loan products to help fund their education abroad. Get started by finding your student loan in just 10 seconds.
4 Steps To Find Your Student Loan
Find Student Loans. To compare loans, the first step is to use our comparison tool above. Select the college you will be attending and the amount of money you need to borrow. You can then see the loans that meet your criteria.
Select Your Student Loan. Next, see what lenders are available at your school. Compare the terms and conditions and click apply to start the online application.
Fill Out Your Application. Complete the loan application for the lender. If you are a non-US citizen or non-US permanent resident, you will need to have a cosigner complete the online application as well. US students are also encouraged to have a cosigner.
Get Approval. Initial approval is often within days or weeks of your completed application. Funds from your loan will be disbursed by your school once it has been approved.
Examining Your Student Loan
When you are comparing private student loans, it’s important to consider any fees, rates, and repayment options to ensure that you are choosing the loan that works best for your needs. You should evaluate and compare the following:
Monthly payments
Total cost of the loan
Annual percentage rate
Repayment period
Deferment option
All non-US citizens and permanent residents will be required to have a cosigner with good credit who has lived in the US for the past two years. International students will be required to include their cosigner on their application.
US citizens and permanent residents are not required to have a cosigner for their loan application, however a US cosigner can:
Increase the likelihood of getting approved for their student loan
Reduce the interest rate students are required to pay
Types of Student Loans
There are many Study Loan designed for students studying outside their home country. Our US student loans are available for non-US students coming to the US as well as US students studying in a foreign country. For more information about the particular student loan products, please see below:
Student Loans for International Students
The International Student Loan Program is available to international students from around the world who are looking to study in the USA. You have to be attending one of the approved schools and you must also have a US citizen or US permanent resident to cosign the loan with you. International Student Loan offers funding that is disbursed directly to you with competitive interest rates and no application fees!
Student Loans for Study Abroad

A Study Abroad Loan provides funding to US citizens who are looking to participate in a study abroad program outside of the USA. To be eligible, students need to be attending and earning credit at an approved school in the USA. Your US school will disburse the funds directly to you prior to departing for your host country.

1 comment:

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